Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Reconstructing Toenails

have been performing this service forbid many years. It is the most satisfying; to either fix aningrown toenail   for a client with a brace or to reconstruct a nail for protection and looks. We do not realize the stigma of "yuk" feet can have on people, and it amazes me every time how beautiful or handsome an individual feels just by having pretty feet.

Admittedly, It is not often that men will receive the reconstruction service, however they are always open to the relief for a nagging ingrown toenail and have no problem paying for a brace application. I use LCN's ingrown toenail brace, as well as Pedique. Pedique is a highly flexible, thin viscosity gel that is designed to either reconstruct, or cover a brace with a result of a beautiful pedicure which lasts for weeks longer than polish. It adheres to calloused akin as well, which will last for a special occasion! 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

CHEAP is NOT Better

Cheap nails may leave your nails in disrepair. It usually means the nail tech is not properly certified. Which then means they are not properly trained in hygiene.  Cheap product that is high in solvents. With cheap nails, there is cheap removal...they rip them off...This is the inappropriate way of removing nails. They should either be soaked off if they are acrylic or filed off. DO NOT let someone remove them via prying them off.

Same goes for pedicures. I honestly believe that the cheap mass pedicure producing salons distract goers with fantastic toenail art. This distraction is to take away from the fact that they reuse nail files on everyone and then do not disinfect them. SO it is fine if you want to pay for a cheap pedicure...just remember you may end up with a little fungus lurking around that toenail bed.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"I love ME"!

We all want to preserve our youth. We strive to feel younger, and look younger. The trend is to use medical procedures to enhance features, fill in lines, and to resurface the skin; botox, fillers of various kinds, glycolics, and dermabrasion procedures are done. Certain foods are eaten to preserve the health of our skin by feeding the inside of our body for proper cellular production. However, what I find is very interesting is women, and men, are walking around all puffy faced, and stiff of facial expressions and surprised eyebrow expressions. SO much so as they look like they have a fat face and have gained weight!! Furthermore, they often have "turkey necks" and age spot filled hands that their age away! 

I am not saying do not do these procedures, nor am I saying they are bad or wrong. I am just concerned that this is feeding the superficial idea of what we should look like. I was at recent beauty show, and girls in their early 20's were getting Botox!  I asked her why? Her answer was simply preventative! Well prevention is good lifestyle, well rested with at least 8 hours sleep, eating well and drinking water. Also, wearing sunscreen, cleansing and hydrating the skin.  Enhance your beauty with makeup and none invasive products.

I know for a fact I will never get one of these procedures done. I have seen bad filler outcomes and I would not risk altering my face! Furthermore, I want people to read my facial expressions because the tell a story beyond verbal communication. I want to know that each laugh line, was from the joy I have in my life.  I am 41 years old, and many think I am at least 10 years younger, and although partly genetic, I do believe my obsession with taking care of my skin has been the key. Hydration and sunscreen! I love it when people are shocked when they find out my age. I love being able to tell them it is all natural.

I work in an industry that is beauty and all about looks. However, I see beauty I everyone. I love How a pedicure or manicure can totally change a woman's view of herself. Beauty is in everyone, some of us have struggles with weight, and some of us struggle with other addictions that give us false feelings of satisfaction. 

I, also, have struggles with weight. I have had ridicule due to it and I have felt the pain of being overweight. However, for the sake of weight loss I will not cut my body and have bariatric surgery to fit in society's image as a fast fix. I have excess weight because of the choices i have made. I acknowledge the need to be healthy, and prevent diabetes, as well as heart issues.  I believe in fixing the problem. I am changing my thought processes as to how I look at food. I am changing the reasons why I eat, for nourishment of my body and not as an emotional fix. I have seen women have these surgeries and because the emotional issues have not been addressed it has either destroyed their family life due to replacement addictions, or they still do not see themselves as beautiful. How sad.

I will be working hard and exercising. Making choices to improve the longevity of my life without surgery. I invite you to watch my journey and I will not only blog about outer beauty but also inner beauty. 

I am Heather whether thin or heavy and I will always be me. I really do not care what others think. Unfortunately, lately I have allowed others opinions to affect me, but in essence I want to say....I know who I am in Christ and I am completely ok with me. I am choosing to use this as a tool to encourage others. I not only want to help women and men feel beautiful on the outside with personal services but also to be able to encourage them to make some lifestyle changes that will improve their longevity.

In conclusion, my point is, when did we become so focused on trying to make everyone fit into a particular mould of what we think they should be like, look like, or act like? Why has it become the norm to encourage image altering surgeries, instead of emotional healing. God created us the way he wanted us to be and in his perfection and image. Is it not time to look in the mirror and say "I love me"?

I love me! 

Cotton Candy nail Art

Nails I did to mark the 100th Stampede. I love Cotton Candy using LCN gel.

Monday, June 18, 2012

What I Love

I am a girl who grew up in a quaint farming community who had big dreams of grandeur. I strongly feel and many times say to people with a matter of fact confidence, “I am supposed to famous you know but people just don’t know it yet!” As a girl, I dreamt of red lipstick, high heels, and imagined myself adorned with expensive earrings and scarves riding in fast cars and dating rich men while living in the city.

I loved to spend hours rubbing my mom’s feet or performing facials on friends with procedures that I thought were accurate to the best of my knowledge. At a fine age of two, and much to my mother’s horror, I discovered that red Smarties® made a delectable shade of red on my lips and every chance I could I would beg my auntie to paint my nails red. For Christmas at the age of eight or nine, I got a kit that in which I could formulate my own make-up, perfume, and nail polish. My point is that I was born to be in the beauty industry and I discovered my calling very young. My father would often ask me why I needed to wear face paint for the horses. Even in to adult life, he would threaten to remove my artificial nails with horse hoof cutters, which was often met with an annoyed retort.

I am attracted to all things sparkly, bright and noticeable. I am a self-appointed Diva in the ways of couture. I like pink, animal print, big hair, heavy makeup and sensual perfume. However, I love the feeling of letting my hair down, being makeup free and digging my bare feet into cool mud; going fishing, riding horses, and just getting dirt under my nails. I don’t drive a sports car but have a sporty Jeep Wrangler (that is adorned with eyelashes of course). This is why I call myself a “Prada® Wearing Farmer’s Daughter”. This title definitely suits me.

I am an esthetician, nail technician, and makeup artist and also an educator in my field. I chose this career for many reasons. On the lighter side, I love to talk and be the center of attention and when I am working I can talk all day and not get into trouble. When I teach, I am the center of attention! How perfect is that? “HEATHER’s in the house Whoop Whoop!”  However, on the serious, deep and personal side; I feel very blessed to be in a position to help women feel better not only by being a neutral ear to hear, but also help physically enhancing their natural beauty. It is amazing how sexy red polish peeking up from sandals makes a woman feel. I strongly feel that every woman has the right to feel beautiful and look beautiful.