Wednesday, July 18, 2012

CHEAP is NOT Better

Cheap nails may leave your nails in disrepair. It usually means the nail tech is not properly certified. Which then means they are not properly trained in hygiene.  Cheap product that is high in solvents. With cheap nails, there is cheap removal...they rip them off...This is the inappropriate way of removing nails. They should either be soaked off if they are acrylic or filed off. DO NOT let someone remove them via prying them off.

Same goes for pedicures. I honestly believe that the cheap mass pedicure producing salons distract goers with fantastic toenail art. This distraction is to take away from the fact that they reuse nail files on everyone and then do not disinfect them. SO it is fine if you want to pay for a cheap pedicure...just remember you may end up with a little fungus lurking around that toenail bed.

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